We deliver
effective solutions
We deliver efficient, value-adding solutions
Our solutions and digital tools sit at the intersection of the construction, energy and ICT industries to drive the twin digital and green transition. They contribute to the reduction of our built environment’s carbon footprint by increasing circularity, energy efficiency, facilitating integration to utility networks and actively catering to human needs and well-being.

Our Solutions
Digital Built Environment
The built environment touches all aspects of our lives, encompassing the buildings we live in. It can generally be described as the man-made or modified structures that provide people with living, working and recreational spaces. The digitalisation of the built environment is still in its infancy, especially during the construction phase. Our solution builds on a BIM-based state-of-the-art Digital Twin Platform to enable the delivery of innovative services for various actors involved along the building life-time. Construction stakeholders leverage the DTP to obtain time & cost savings during renovation and construction activities via process automation. Building operation stakeholders enjoy real-time energy assessment of buildings via dynamic Energy Performance Certificates that utilise energy measurements from the building to minimise the well-known “performance gap” of conventional EPC methodologies.
Data Space Architecture
We specialize in combining component subsystems and ensuring that these subsystems function together as a whole. We integrate data to become the bedrock of the future market and transform society into a data-drive society. Our solutions include a powerful Data Space architecture and reference implementation based on data-as-a-product and data mesh principles to stimulate cross-domain ecosystem integration and spawn innovative business models. Data protection and governance principles stemming from EU directives are ingrained in the Data Space to ensure seamless and trustworthy flow of data. Initial applications of the Data Space include energy retail/ communities and digital construction.
Smart Energy Management
The smart energy management is the key to monitor, control, measure and optimize energy consumption in a building. Today's energy system requires clever management of the demand side in addition to penetration of renewables and storage to the system. We use digital technologies to enable the emergence of innovative business models for emerging actors of the energy system, such as Energy Performance Contracts based on dynamic Service Level Agreements.
Market Based Energy Services
Transform building from passive electricity consumers into active elements of the utility networks and participants in energy markets in order to support the EU Green Deal decarbonisation objectives while citizens enjoy clean and affordable energy for their households. Our solutions leverage machine-learning and blockchain technologies to strike the right balance between peer-to-peer energy exchange and market participation so as to satisfy the needs of citizens and the energy system and pave the way for a renewable-dominated future energy system.